The dogwood improvement program has one the nation’s largest collections of flowering and kousa dogwood cultivars and is maintained at the Forest Resources AgResearch and Education Center. (Learn More)
Several ongoing studies directly valuable for pest monitoring and management across Tennessee landscapes, nurseries, and forests. (Learn More)
Simulating field conditions to evaluate urban pest ant management strategies. (Learn More)
Weather-related damage rehabilitation, revegetation, and tree growth study. (Learn More)
Todd Freeberg, professor in the UT Department of Psychology, studies bird vocal signals. (Learn More)
The Hornyhead Branch Restoration and Habitat Enhancement Project was a cooperative effort between the Forest Resources AgResearch and Education Center and many local, state, and federal agencies. Goals included improving and stabilizing the banks of the Hornyhead Branch as well as providing a stream restoration educational resource. (Learn More)
This research is being conducted at three sites in Morgan County, by Jennifer Franklin of the UTDepartment of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, and Jan Frouz of the Institute of Soil Biology, Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The study assessed belowground and aboveground recovery of these sites that were mined for coal forty to fifty years ago. (Learn More)